- 2018 YEARS
Drosophila PEBP1 inhibits intestinal stem cell aging via suppression of ERK pathway. ONCOTARGET, IMPACT JOURNALS LLC, 2018-04
권 9 호 26 페이지 17980 ~ 17993
공동저자정보 -
Deficiency of Atg6 impairs beneficial effect of metformin on intestinal stem cell aging in Drosophila. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2018-03
권 498 호 1 페이지 18 ~ 24
공동저자정보 -
Folic acid is necessary for proliferation and differentiation of C2C12 myoblasts. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, WILEY-LISS, 2018-02
권 233 호 2 페이지 736 ~ 747
- 2016 YEARS
Functional Profiling of Human MeCP2 by Automated Data Comparison Analysis and Computerized Expression Pathway Modeling. Healthcare Informatics Research, 대한의료정보학회지, 2016-04
권 22 호 2 페이지 120 ~ 128
- 2015 YEARS
Folic acid promotes the myogenic differentiation of C2C12 murine myoblasts through the Akt signaling pathway. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD, 2015-10
권 36 호 4 페이지 1073 ~ 1080
공동저자정보 -
Age-related change in gamma H2AX of Drosophila muscle: its significance as a marker for muscle damage and longevity. BIOGERONTOLOGY, SPRINGER, 2015-08
권 16 호 4 페이지 503 ~ 516
공동저자정보 -
Metformin inhibits age-related centrosome amplification in Drosophila midgut stem cells through AKT/TOR pathway. MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT, ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD, 2015-07
권 149 페이지 8 ~ 18
공동저자정보 -
Requirement of ATR for maintenance of intestinal stem cells in aging Drosophila. AGING-US, IMPACT JOURNALS LLC, 2015-05
권 7 호 5 페이지 307 ~ 318
공동저자정보 -
Dlx-2 is implicated in TGF-beta- and Wnt-induced epithelial-mesenchymal, glycolytic switch, and mitochondrial repression by Snail activation". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, PROFESSOR D A SPANDIDOS, 2015-04
권 46 페이지 1768 ~ 1780
공동저자정보 -
The combination of ursolic acid and leucine potentiates the differentiation of C2C12 murine myoblasts through the mTOR signaling pathway. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE, SPANDIDOS PUBL LTD, 2015-03
권 35 호 3 페이지 755 ~ 762
- 2014 YEARS
Increased centrosome amplification in aged stem cells of the Drosophila midgut. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 441(4), ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2014-07
권 450 호 2 페이지 961 ~ 965
공동저자정보 -
Functional Modification of Drosophila Intestinal Stem Cells by Ionizing Radiation. RADIATION RESEARCH, RADIATION RESEARCH SOC, 2014-04
권 181 호 4 페이지 376 ~ 386
- 2013 YEARS
Mechanism of metformin: Inhibition of DNA damage and proliferative activity in Drosophila midgut stem cell. MECHANISMS OF AGEING AND DEVELOPMENT, ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD, 2013-09
권 134 페이지 381 ~ 390
- 2012 YEARS
Regulation of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Expression by the Homeodomain Transcription Factor Caudal in Drosophila Intestine. 생명과학회지, 생명과학회, 2012-12
권 22 호 12 페이지 1600 ~ 1607
공동저자정보 -
DREF is involved in the steroidogenesis via regulation of shadow gene. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH, E-CENTURY PUBLISHING CORP, 2012-11
권 2 호 6 페이지 714 ~ 725
공동저자정보 -
Histone demethylase JMJD2B-mediated cell proliferation regulated by hypoxia and radiation in gastric cancer cell. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2012-11
권 1819 호 11-12 페이지 1200 ~ 1207
공동저자정보 -
Age- and oxidative stress-induced DNA damage in Drosophila intestinal stem cells as marked by Gamma-H2AX. EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2012-05
권 47 호 5 페이지 401 ~ 405
공동저자정보 -
Requirement of matrix metalloproteinase-1 for intestinal homeostasis in the adult Drosophila midgut. EXPERIMENTAL CELL RESEARCH, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2012-03
권 318 호 5 페이지 670 ~ 681
- 2011 YEARS
Regulation of Intestinal Stem Cell Proliferation by Human Methyl-CpG-binding Protein-2 in Drosophila. CELL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION, JAPAN SOC CELL BIOLOGY, 2011-12
권 36 호 2 페이지 197 ~ 208
공동저자정보 -
Caudal-related homeodomain proteins CDX1/2 bind to DNA replication-related element binding factor. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011-12
권 1814 호 12 페이지 1891 ~ 1899
공동저자정보 -
Implication of Snail in Metabolic Stress-Induced Necrosis. PLOS ONE, PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2011-03
권 6 호 3 페이지 e18000 ~ e18000
공동저자정보 -
The Caudal-Related Homeodomain Proteins Upregulate catalase Expression in Drosophila Hindgut and Human Colorectal Carcinoma Cells. 생명과학회지(Journal of Life Science), 한국생명과학회, 2011-02
권 21 호 2 페이지 194 ~ 201
- 2010 YEARS
Slug, mammalian homologue gene of Drosophila escargot, promotes neuronal-differentiation through suppression of HEB/daughtherless. CELL CYCLE, LANDES BIOSCIENCE, 2010-07
권 9 페이지 2789 ~ 2802
공동저자정보 -
Thromboxane A(2) increases endothelial permeability through upregulation of interleukin-8. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2010-07
권 397 호 3 페이지 413 ~ 419
공동저자정보 -
Regulation of the Drosophila p38b gene by transcription factor DREF in the adult midgut. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2010-07
권 1799 호 7 페이지 510 ~ 519
공동저자정보 -
Molecular Delineation of gamma-Ray-Induced NF-kappa B Activation and Pro-inflammatory Genes in SMP30 Knockout Mice. RADIATION RESEARCH, RADIATION RESEARCH SOC, 2010-05
권 173 페이지 629 ~ 634
공동저자정보 -
Genetic Variations in UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 Gene (UGT2B7) in a Korean Population. DRUG METABOLISM AND PHARMACOKINETICS, JSSX (The Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics), 2010-04
권 25 호 4 페이지 398 ~ 402
공동저자정보 -
Molecular activation of NF-kappa B, pro-inflammatory mediators, and signal pathways in gamma-irradiated mice. BIOTECHNOLOGY LETTERS, SPRINGER, 2010-03
권 32 페이지 373 ~ 378
공동저자정보 -
Revealing system-level correlations between aging and calorie restriction using a mouse transcriptome. 한국산학기술학회논문지제11권제2호, 한국산학기술학회, 2010-03
권 32 페이지 15 ~ 30
- 2009 YEARS
Purification of Caudal-Related Homeodomain Transcription Factor and Its Binding Characterization. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 한국미생물.생명공학회, 2009-12
권 19 페이지 1557 ~ 1564
공동저자정보 -
Aspirin induces apoptosis through the blockade of IL-6-STAT3 signaling pathway in human glioblastoma A172 cells. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2009-09
권 387 페이지 342 ~ 347
공동저자정보 -
The role of p38b MAPK in age-related modulation of intestinal stem cell proliferation and differentiation in Drosophila. AGING-US, Impact Journals, LLC, 2009-07
권 1 페이지 637 ~ 651
공동저자정보 -
Regulation of the Drosophila Fascin by Raf Signaling. 생명과학회지(Journal of Life Science), 한국생명과학회, 2009-07
권 19 호 7 페이지 866 ~ 870
- 2008 YEARS
Big brain, a Drosophila homologue of mammalian aquaporin, is regulated by the DRE/DREF system. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008-12
권 1779 페이지 789 ~ 796
공동저자정보 -
Age-related upregulation of Drosophila caudal gene via NF-kappa B in the adult posterior midgut. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENERAL SUBJECTS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008-10
권 1780 페이지 1093 ~ 1100
공동저자정보 -
Age-related changes in Drosophila midgut are associated with PVF2, a PDGF/VEGF-like growth factor. AGING CELL, BLACKWELL PUBL LTD, 2008-06
권 7 페이지 318 ~ 334
공동저자정보 -
Visfatin enhances ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression through ROS-dependent NF-kappaB activation in endothelial cells. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008-05
권 1783 호 5 페이지 886 ~ 895
공동저자정보 -
Effects of dietary salt on the expression of drug transporters, cytochrome P4503a, and nuclear receptors in rats. XENOBIOTICA, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, 2008-02
권 38 호 2 페이지 147 ~ 155
공동저자정보 -
The DRE/DREF transcriptional regulatory system: A master key for cell proliferation. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE REGULATORY MECHANISMS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2008-02
권 1779 페이지 81 ~ 89
- 2007 YEARS
Increased expression of the cortactin in the adult Drosophila midgut by oxidative stress and aging. KOREAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 한국유전학회, 2007-06
권 29 페이지 229 ~ 237
공동저자정보 -
Protein kinase C-ERK1/2 signal pathway switches glucose depletion-induced necrosis to apoptosis by regulating superoxide dismutases and suppressing reactive oxygen species production in A549 lung cancer cells. JOURNAL OF CELLULAR PHYSIOLOGY, WILEY-LISS, 2007-05
권 211 페이지 371 ~ 385
공동저자정보 -
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila ANT gene by the DRE/DREF system. GENES TO CELLS, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD, 2007-05
권 12 페이지 569 ~ 579
공동저자정보 -
Visfatin promotes angiogenesis by activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2007-05
권 357 페이지 150 ~ 156
공동저자정보 -
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila caudal homeobox gene by bHLH-PAS proteins. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2007-01
권 1769 페이지 41 ~ 48
- 2006 YEARS
Pattern detection of movement behaviors in genotype variation of Drosophila melanogaster by using self-organizing map. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, Elsevier Science B.V. Amsterdam, 2006-11
권 1 페이지 219 ~ 228
공동저자정보 -
Neurotoxic pyridinium metabolites of haloperidol are substrates of human organic cation transporters. DRUG METABOLISM AND DISPOSITION, AMER SOC PHARMACOLOGY EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS, 2006-07
권 34 페이지 1145 ~ 1151
공동저자정보 -
Hypoxic induction of human visfatin gene is directly mediated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1. FEBS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2006-07
권 580 페이지 4105 ~ 4113
공동저자정보 -
Polyamine induces apoptosis through the calcium signaling in human prostate cancer cells. 생명과학회지(Journal of Life Science), 한국생명과학회, 2006-06
권 16 호 3 페이지 433 ~ 441
공동저자정보 -
Diagnostic mutational analysis of MECP2 in Korean patients with Rett syndrome. EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE, 대한생화학.분자생물학회, 2006-04
권 30 호 38 페이지 119 ~ 125
공동저자정보 -
Relish-dependent expression of DREF in the Drosophila immune response. KOREAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 한국유전학회, 2006-03
권 28 페이지 83 ~ 90
공동저자정보 -
Aspirin-induced blockade of NF-kappa B activity restrains up-regulation of glial fibrillary acidic protein in human astroglial cells. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-MOLECULAR CELL RESEARCH, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2006-03
권 1763 페이지 282 ~ 289
- 2005 YEARS
Expression of the Drosophila big brain gene promoter during development. KOREAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 한국유전학회, 2005-09
권 27 페이지 203 ~ 209
공동저자정보 -
Cytoprotective Effects of Polyamines Against Oxidative Stress. 생명과학회지(Journal of Life Science), 한국생명과학회, 2005-08
권 15 호 4 페이지 626 ~ 632
공동저자정보 -
The zinc-finger transcription factor Snail downregulates proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in colorectal carcinoma cells. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ONCOLOGY, PROFESSOR D A SPANDIDOS, 2005-06
권 26 페이지 1541 ~ 1547
공동저자정보 -
Drosophila p53 Upregulates VDAC Gene Expression That Is Linked to Apoptosis. KOREAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 한국유전학회, 2005-03
권 27 호 1 페이지 89 ~ 96
공동저자정보 -
The effect of age and calorie restriction on HIF-1-responsive genes in aged liver. BIOGERONTOLOGY, SPRINGER, 2005-02
권 6 호 1 페이지 27 ~ 37
- 2004 YEARS
STAT is Involved in defense response to oxidative stress. 한국노화학회지, 한국노화학회, 2004-12
권 14 페이지 20 ~ 26
공동저자정보 -
Role of Relish, a Drosophila NF-kB Protein, in Response to UV Irradiation. 대한암예방학회지, 대한암예방학회, 2004-12
권 27 호 1 페이지 89 ~ 96
공동저자정보 -
Methyl jasmonate induces apoptosis through induction of Bax/Bcl-X-s and activation of caspase-3 via ROS production in A549 cells. ONCOLOGY REPORTS, PROFESSOR D A SPANDIDOS, 2004-12
권 12 페이지 1233 ~ 1238
공동저자정보 -
권 497 호 3 페이지 267 ~ 277
공동저자정보 -
Anti-apoptotic action of (2S,3S,4R)-N"-cyano-N-(6-amino-3,4-dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-methyl-2-dimethoxymethyl-2H-benzopyran-4-yl)-N'-benzylguanidine (KR-31378) by suppression of the phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted from chromosome 10 phosphorylation. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2004-08
권 497 호 3 페이지 267 ~ 277
공동저자정보 -
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila caudal homeobox gene by DRE/DREF. Nucleic Acids Research, Nucleic Acids Research, 2004-07
권 32 호 12 페이지 3734 ~ 3742
공동저자정보 -
Relationship of CDX1 mRNA and CDX2 mRNA expression and clinicopathologic features in colorectal cancers . 대한내과학회지(The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine), 대한내과학회, 2004-06
권 67 호 4 페이지 349 ~ 357
공동저자정보 -
A DNA replication-related element downstream from the initiation site of Drosophila selenophosphate synthetase 2 gene is essential for its transcription. Nucleic Acids Research, Nucleic Acids Research, 2004-04
권 32 호 12 페이지 3734 ~ 3742
공동저자정보 -
Induction of endothelial apoptosis by 4-hydroxyhexenal. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY, BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD, 2004-04
권 271 호 7 페이지 1339 ~ 1347
공동저자정보 -
Expression of the Drosophila porin gene promoter during development and in oxidative stress.. KOREAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS, 한국유전학회, 2004-03
권 26 페이지 29 ~ 35
공동저자정보 -
Effect of Aging on the Expression of Cell Proliferation-Related PCNA and E2F Genes in Drosophila. 한국노화학회지, 한국노화학회, 2004-03
권 14 호 2 페이지 18 ~ 23
공동저자정보 -
Redox regulation of DNA binding activity of DREF (DNA replication-related element binding factor) in Drosophila. BIOCHEMICAL JOURNAL, PORTLAND PRESS, 2004-03
권 378 페이지 833 ~ 838
공동저자정보 -
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila catalase gene by the DRE/DREF system. Nucleic Acids Research, Nucleic Acids Research, 2004-02
권 32 호 4 페이지 1318 ~ 1324
공동저자정보 -
Coactivator ASC-2 mediates heat shock factor 1-mediated transactivation dependent on heat shock. FEBS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2004-02
권 559 페이지 165 ~ 170
공동저자정보 -
The homeobox gene Caudal regulates constitutive local expression of antimicrobial peptide genes in Drosophila epithelia. MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY, AMER SOC MICROBIOLOGY, 2004-01
권 24 호 1 페이지 172 ~ 185
- 2003 YEARS
Characterization of endogenous E2F transcriptional activities in hepatocellular, gastric and colorectal caner cell lines. 대한암예방학회지, 대한암예방학회, 2003-11
권 8 호 3 페이지 188 ~ 194
공동저자정보 -
Expression of the Drosophia p38b gene promoter during development and in the immune response. 한국유전학회지, 한국유전학회, 2003-09
권 25 호 3 페이지 243 ~ 250
공동저자정보 -
Overexpression of Adenine Nucleotide Translocase Induces Apoptosis in Drosophila Cultured Cell.. 대한암예방학회지, 대한암예방학회, 2003-09
권 8 호 3 페이지 188 ~ 194
공동저자정보 -
Effects of aging and calorie restriction on the extracellular matrix proteins in the rat tissues. Korean Journal of Gerontology, 한국노화학회, 2003-06
권 13 호 1 페이지 24 ~ 30
공동저자정보 -
Suppression of human prostate cancer cell growth by beta-lapachone via down-regulation of pRB phosphorylation and induction of Cdk inhibitor p21(WAF1/CIP1). JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 한국생화학분자생물학회, 2003-03
권 36 호 2 페이지 223 ~ 229
- 2002 YEARS
The Caudal homeodomain protein activates Drosophila E2F gene expression. Nucleic Acids Research, Nucleic Acids Research, 2002-12
권 30 호 23 페이지 5029 ~ 5035
공동저자정보 -
Regulation and Destabilization of HIF-1alpha by ARD1-Mediated Acetylation. CELL, CELL PRESS, 2002-11
권 111 호 5 페이지 709 ~ 720
공동저자정보 -
생물정보학을 위한 XML의 활용. 생명과학회지(Journal of Life Science)., 한국생명과학회, 2002-09
권 12 호 4 페이지 383 ~ 391
공동저자정보 -
Mild heat shock induces cyclin D1 synthesis through multiple Ras signal pathways.. FEBS LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2002-03
권 515 페이지 141 ~ 145
- 2001 YEARS
The effect of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors on the expression of angiogenesis-related gene. 대한암예방학회지, 대한암예방학회, 2001-12
권 6 호 4 페이지 232 ~ 239
공동저자정보 -
Involvement of DNA-Dependent Protein Kinase in Regulation of Stress-Induced JNK Activation. DNA AND CELL BIOLOGY, MARY ANN LIEBERT INC PUBL, 2001-12
권 20 호 10 페이지 637 ~ 645
공동저자정보 -
The effect of lipopolysaccharide of enhanced inflammatory process with age : modulation of NF-kB. J. Amer. Aging Assoc.(AGE), , 2001-10
권 24 페이지 187 ~ 194
공동저자정보 -
Activated phenoloxidase interacts with a novel glycine-rich protein on the yeast two-hybrid system. JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 한국생화학분자생물학회, 2001-04
권 34 페이지 15 ~ 20
공동저자정보 -
Expression of Cell Proliferation-Related PCNA and E2F Genes in Drosophila Gut and Inhibitory Effect of Nitric Oxide. Korean Journal of Biological Sciences, 한국동물학회, 2001-03
권 5 페이지 59 ~ 64
공동저자정보 -
Determination of Hypoxia Region by Hypoxia Marker in Developing Mouse Embryos In Vivo : A Possible Signal for Vessel Development. DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS, WILEY-LISS, 2001-03
권 220 페이지 171 ~ 186
공동저자정보 -
E2F-dependent transcription of the raf proto-oncogene during Drosophila development. Nucleic Acids Res., , 2001-02
권 29 호 8 페이지 1808 ~ 1814
공동저자정보 -
Synergistic effects of dexamethasone and genistein on the expression of Cdk inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1 in human hepatocellular and colorectal carcinoma cells. Int. J. Oncol., Int. J. Oncol., 2001-01
권 18 호 5 페이지 997 ~ 1002
공동저자정보 -
Changes in expression of ion channels and aquaporins mRNA during differentiation in normal human nasal epithelial cells. LIFE SCIENCES, PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, 2001-01
권 68 호 7 페이지 827 ~ 840
- 2000 YEARS
The DNA replication-related element(DRE)-DRE-binding factor(DREF) system may be involved in the expression of the Drosophila melanogaster TBP gene. FEBS Letters, European Biochemical Societies, 2000-10
권 483 호 1 페이지 71 ~ 77
공동저자정보 -
Induction of apoptosis by ursolic acid through activation of caspases and down-regulation of c-IAPs in human prostate epithelial cells. International Journal of Oncology, World Congress of Human Oncology, 2000-08
권 17 페이지 565 ~ 571
공동저자정보 -
Involvement of putative Heat Shock Element in Transcriptional Regulation of p21WAf1/CIP1/SDI1 by Heat Shock.. Kor J. Biol. Sci., , 2000-06
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila raf proto-oncogene by Drosophila STAT during development and in immune response. J Biol Chem, The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2000-06
권 275 호 26 페이지 19824 ~ 19830
공동저자정보 -
Oxygen-Related angiogensis and aging.. Kor.J.Gerontol, , 2000-06
Involment of putative heat shock element in transcriptional regulation of p21WAF1/CIP1/SDI1 by heat shock. Korean J. Biol. Sci., , 2000-04
Apoptotic activity of ursolic acid may correlate with the inhibition of initiation of DNA replication. International Journal of Cancer, International Union Against Cancer, 2000-04
미토콘드리아 ribosomal RNA 유전자 염기서열분석에 의한 한국산 연어아과 어류의 유전적 계통도. 한국수산학회지, 한국수산학회, 2000-03
- 1999 YEARS
미토콘드리아 DNA control region의 염기분석에 의한 연어아과 어류의 유전학적 연구. 한국어류학회지, 한국어류학회, 1999-10
환경성 변이원에 대한 Genistein의 항돌연변이성. 한국환경과학회지, 한국환경과학회, 1999-10
Screening of transcriptional regulator of the D-raf proto-oncogene using the yeast one-hybrid system. J. Life Science, , 1999-09
Regional difference of ROS generation, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzyme activity in rat brain and their dietary modulation . Arch. Pharm. Res., , 1999-08
Role of RAS/ERK-dependent pathway in the erythroid differentiation of K562 cells. Exp. and Mol. Med, , 1999-05
Inhibition of initiation of simian virus 40 DNA replication in vitro by the ursodeoxycholic acid and its derivatives. CANCER LETTERS, ELSEVIER SCI IRELAND LTD, 1999-05
권 146 호 2 페이지 147 ~ 153
공동저자정보 -
Characterization of E2F site-like element in the 5-flanking region of the Drosophila raf gene. Korean J. Genetics, , 1999-02
Analysis of the role of STAT binding site in the Drosophila-raf promoter region using transgenic flies. Korean J. Life Science, , 1999-01
Downregulation of telomerase in rat during the aging process. Molecules and cells. Molecules and Cells, 한국분자세포생물학회, 1999-01
- 1998 YEARS
Roles of transcription factor binding sites in the D-raf promoter region. Korean J. Biol. Sci., , 1998-12
Transcriptional inhibition of the Drosophila-raf and PCNA genes by the homeodomain protein Ftz and Engrailed. J. of Korean Association of Cancer Prevention, , 1998-12
Study on roles of a number of transcription factor binding sites in the D-raf promoter region.. Korean J. Biol. Sci., , 1998-06
Establishment of transgenic Drosophila bearing metallothionein-lacZ fusion gene and its practical use. Korean J. Biol. Sci., Korean Associ. Biol. Sci., 1998-06
Molecular cloning of a novel GTP-binding protein induced in fish cells by rhabdovirus infection. FEBS, , 1998-05
Mouse의 정소이용 염색체 조사에 G- 및 C-banding법의 적용. 생명과학회지, , 1998-02
- 1997 YEARS
Transcriptional activation of Drosophila raf proto-oncogene in immune response.. Korean J. Genetics, , 1997-12
raf proto-oncogene is involved in ultraviolet response in Drosophila. Korean J. Biol. Sci, 한국유전학회, 1997-12
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila-raf proto-oncogene by the DNA replication-related element (DRE)/ DRE-binding factor (DREF) system. Nucleic Acids Res, , 1997-04
Screening and Characterization of Drosophila Development Mutants Using Single P[en-lacZ] Element Mutagenesis. 생명과학회지, 한국생명과학회, 1997-03
Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila proliferating cell nuclear antigen gene and raf proto-oncogene by ursolic acid in Drosophila cultured Kc cells. Korean. J. Biol. Sci, , 1997-01
- 1996 YEARS
The study on physiological toxic and mutagenic effects of herbicides in Drosophila melanogaster. 한국환경과학회지, 한국환경과학회, 1996-12
Studies on the regulation of raf proto-oncogene expression using transgenic Drosophila. Proc. Mol. Biol. & Genet., 한국분자생물학회, 1996-10
The study on physiological toxic and mutagenic effects of herbicides in Drodophila melanogaster. 한국환경과학회지, 한국환경과학회, 1996-06
Production and Characterization of a Monoclonal Antibody against Surface Glycoprotein, gp61, on K562 Erythroleukemia Cells. Korean J. Zool., 한국동물학회, 1996-06
Analysis of frequencies of deleterious chromosomes in On-yang natural population of Drosophila melanogaster. 한국환경과학회지, 한국환경과학회, 1996-06
Effects of the X chromosome on the formation of sex comb and genital arch in the hybrids between Drosophila simulans and D.mauritiana. Kor. J. Appl. Entomol, 한국응용곤충학회, 1996-06
Hypersensitivity of somatic mutations and mitotic recombinations induced by heterocyclic amines and aflatoxin B, in transgenic Drosophila. Kor. J. Appl. Entomol., 한국응용곤충학회, 1996-06
Expression of Drosophila raf proto-oncogene in larval fat body and testis of Draf-lacZ transgenic flies. Kor. J. Genetics, 한국유전학회, 1996-06
Synthesis of the Heat Shock Proteins 90kDa and 70kDa during Phorbol 12-Myristate 13 Acetate-Induced Differentiation of Human Promyelocytic Leukemic Cell Line HL-60. 대한온열종양학회지, 대한온열종양학회, 1996-06
Expression of the heat shock proteins and glucose-regulated proteins during phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced megakaryocytic differentiation of K562 erythroleukemia cells. Korean J. Zoology, 한국동물학회, 1996-06
- 1995 YEARS
Phenogenetical Relationships of Sex Comb and Genital Arch in Drosophila melanogaster Males by Ethyl methanesulfonate. 한국응용곤충학회지, 한국응용곤충학회, 1995-12
Studies on the function of raf proto-oncogene using transgenic Drosophila (III-2). Proc.Mol.Biol. & Genet., 한국분자생물학회, 1995-10
Studies on the function of raf proto-oncogene using transgenic Drosophila(III-1). Proc. Md. Biol. & Genet., 한국분자생물학회, 1995-06
Phenogenetical relation ships of sex comb and genital arch in Drosophila melanogaster complex and their hybrids. 한국응용곤충학회지, 한국응용곤충학회, 1995-06
Meiotic Chromosomal analysis of New Zealand white rabbio. Korean J.of Lab. Ani. Sci., 한국실험동물학회, 1995-06
Meiotic Chromosomal Analysis of New Zealand White rabbit. 한국실험동물학회지, 한국실험동물학회, 1995-06
Inhibitory effect of the fresh juice of kale on the genotoxicity of Aflatoxin B1. Korean J.Genetics, 한국유전학회, 1995-06
권 17 호 3 페이지 183 ~ 191
공동저자정보 -
Hypersensitivity of somatic mutations and mitotic recombinations induced by mutagens in transgenic Drosophila bearing rat DNA polymerase Beta.. Environ mental Mutageno & Carcinugeno, 한국환경성돌연변이원발암원학회, 1995-06
Comparative induction of sex-linked lethal mutations in Drosophila melanogaster males by ethyl methanesulfonate. 한국환경과학회지, 한국환경과학회, 1995-06
- 1994 YEARS
Study on Somatic Gene Mutation Using (ωi)4 Assaying System of Drosophila melanogaster. J. Molecular Biology, 부산대 유전공학연구소, 1994-12
Comparative Study of Morphology on the Male Sex Comb Variation of the Drosophila Species. Korean J. Appl. Entomol, 한국응용곤충학회, 1994-12
Studies on the function of raf proto-oncogene using transgenic Drosophila (II-2). Proc. Mol. Biol. & Genet., 한국분자생물학회, 1994-10
Mutagenicity of Kojic Acid in Salmonella and Drosophila Assay Systems. Environmental Mutagens & Carcinogens, 한국환경성 돌연변이·발암원학회, 1994-09
Effects of Ginseng and Salvia miltiorrhiza Extracts on the Mutagenicity of MNNG in Drosophila. Yakhak hoeji, The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea, 1994-09
Express of raf proto-oncogene during Drosophila oogenesis and development. Korean J. Gentics, 한국유전학회, 1994-06
Multiple function of raf proto-oncogene during development from analysis of a temperature-sensitive mutation of Drosophila. Int. J. Dev. Biol, , 1994-06
초파리 배양세포에서 PCNA 유전자의 발현 변화와 그 조절 기작에 관한 연구. Suppl. Korean J. Generics, 한국유전학회, 1994-06
Studies on the Function of raf Proto-oncogene Using Transgenic Drosophila (II-1). 한국분자생물학회 `94추계 학술대회 요약집, 한국분자생물학회, 1994-06
Studies on the Function of DNA Polymerase β Using Transgenic Drosophila. Korean J. Genetics, 한국유전학회, 1994-06
Effects of DNA Polymerase β Gene over-expressed in Transgenic Drosophila on DNA Repair and Recombination. Japan. J. Genetics, 일본유전학회, 1994-06
Comparative Studies on Polymorphism and Fitness between Two ADH alleles in Drosophila melanogaster. Korean J. Appl. Entomol, 한국응용곤충학회, 1994-06
D. melanogaster에서 MNNG의 돌연변이원성에 미치는 인삼 및 단삼 추출물의 영향. 한국환경과학회 `94봄 특별환경심포지움 및 학술발표회 초록집, 한국환경과학회, 1994-05
- 1988 YEARS
Genetic Studies of Alcohol dehydrogenase Alleles in Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster. 부산대학교 유전공학연구소, 부산대학교 , 1988-12
권 4 페이지 57 ~ 65